Sign Petitions

Petition Signing Information

Thank you for your interest in signing our Petitions. We truly appreciate it! Our petitions are open to all Residents of Estes Park and Estes Valley. Participation in the Preserve Estes group is not necessary.

In the future we will have additional Petitions, so please check back periodically.

We are presently collecting signatures in person and door to door to stop any rezoning of 685 Peak View Drive in our Town. We plan to continue to collect signatures in person and at future signing events around town.

If you are interested in signing our Petitions, or helping with collecting signatures then please use the email link below.

To sign a petition:
  • Use the download link below to get a Petition
  • Print the petition (it doesn't need to be in color)
  • Sign the petition
  • Scan the petition and return via email to the address below, OR
  • Contact Preserve Esets Park using the email below and we'll make arrangements for picking it up
Download and sign our current petition
======>   DOWNLOAD
After signing, send it back to:


We thank you!

Preserve Estes Park a Concerned Citizens Group is for all friends of Estes Park and Estes Valley.

Current Petitions

#3 - Opposition to Rezoning of 685 Peak View Dr., Estes Park

The residents of Estes Park Colorado are currently collecting signatures petitioning the Town of Estes Park to reject ANY rezoning of this property. CMS Planning & Development, Inc / Frank Theis has proposed a development of 39 single family homes on this 7.62-acre parcel that's currently zoned for 1 home per acre. To accommodate his proposal, he is asking the Town to rezone this parcel from E1 to R1. R1 allows a home on every 5000 square feet of property.

Mr Theis filed a pre-application with the Town and it was not funded when submitted. Mr Theis also failed to properly notify residents and filed intent statements with the Town after notice letters and meeting dates were set. Even with these deficiencies, the Town Planning Commission was prepared to vote on the change in January 2023. CMS Planning and Development does not plan on building any houses on the property but intends to sell the lots to other developers and therefore will have no control over final costs of improvements.

This petition is for Adjacent Property Owners (APO). The Town (Ord. 18-02 #2) and the State of Colorado have certain notification rules and signatures by APO individuals can impact voting requirements. We have therefore separated this petition from petition #2 which is for all other signers. Please note the signatures on this petition should match those on Larimer County property records.

Petition Information
  • Category :Rezoning
  • Status : Open
  • File Date :Open
  • Signatures:Open

#2 - Opposition to Rezoning of 685 Peak View Dr., Estes Park

The residents of Estes Park Colorado are currently collecting signatures petitioning the Town of Estes Park to reject ANY rezoning of this property. CMS Planning & Development, Inc / Frank Theis has proposed a development of 39 single family homes on this 7.62-acre parcel that's currently zoned for 1 home per acre. To accommodate his proposal, he is asking the Town to rezone this parcel from E1 to R1. R1 allows a home on every 5000 square feet of property.

Mr Theis filed a pre-application with the Town and it was not funded when submitted. Mr Theis also failed to properly notify residents and filed intent statements with the Town after notice letters and meeting dates were set. Even with these deficiencies, the Town Planning Commission was prepared to vote on the change in January 2023. CMS Planning and Development does not plan on building any houses on the property but intends to sell the lots to other developers and therefore will have no control over final costs of improvements.

This petition is for Non-Adjacent Property Owners (APO).

Petition Information
  • Category :Rezoning
  • Status : Open
  • File Date :Open
  • Signatures:Open

#1 - Petition to Change Meeting Date
Rezoning of 685 Peak View Dr., Estes Park

The residents of Estes Park Colorado petitioned the Town to reschedule a public meeting by developer Frank Theis as he failed to properly notify residents.

The Town Planner has acknowledged that Mr Theis will need to hold another meeting.

Petition Information
  • Category :Rezoning
  • Status : Closed
  • File Date :12/14/2022
  • Signatures:55

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